Ferry Rider

Louisa and Crayons


Louisa performing the HULA 3 separate shots carefully combined to simulate her DANCE

Guy eYe

Frankie, the Christmas ELF

MB thinking

Orange Line

LouiSa wearing her BaT EarS

MB yelling

Moving a ROCK

Louisa WILL make you laugh

Har-de-Har Har

Louisa's French Braid

Kinetic Sculpture Race-1


Patty in her Garden

Double Louisa portrait

Frank loves rice


Valentine Hearts


Intense Man

Fiddler Girl

Blue Fingers

Homeless #1

Guy's Birthday

Louisa reading to us

Masked Man

Trapped in the RINGS

Exhausted Art shows and Museums can really wear you out

Kubrick Starchild

Frank makes me smile

Louisa Louisa looks like she KNOWS more than she is letting on

MB intense

Louisa wants to be an Artist!


Kids can really wear you out

Reading about Fairies

Frank performing

Tip HaT

Alice Ukelele

MB SplashFace

a Rainy Memory


Tryin’ on clothes #3

Jazz Hands

Frankie Shopping

Lou's Cracker

Louisa Louisa told me she had a “Really Really Crazy Dream”

Hair at the Cinema

Drow-MoMA head

Blame Sally--Renee