Never STOP Being Amazed (2010)

A GERM of an idea came to me when I came upon the magical word
TINTINABULATION–the sound of a bell. WoW . . .
maybe I could DO something with that.
One rainy day, I photographed my left hand holding a dangling
flash drive and started experimenting with inverting the color &
imagining that the hand might be holding a BELL, and I could
somehow illustrate the SOUND of the bell, and possibly include
some typographic element featuring that wonderful word.
I spent gobs of time with it—-nothing promising.
Then I thought I could illustrate either SOUND or LIGHT
coming from what I was holding in my hand.
On another much sunnier day I photographed
my other hand trying to appear surprised. The photography looked
much different, but I was still playing.
I was convinced I would reshoot the hands anyway, after I
had discovered the recipe for the color adjustments to the hands.
I also am fascinated by images that have the channels out-of-sync,
so you see an echo of yellow, and another of cyan, and magenta.
It did not work here unless I made them pretty transparent,
but it thought it gave the hands some MOTION.
I finally realized–with the Holiday quickly approaching– that I should
get on with WHAT was the abstraction that was at the
center of this image—the SOUND or the LIGHT or whatever. . .
TIMES UP . . . Do something–Stop Experimenting !!
The abstract explosion bits are all vector shapes created in Illustrator
then brought into Photoshop, twisted, bent & distorted into
an eruption of . . . ? I wanted light pouring out of the opening,
and light always seems better on a dark background,
but the hands did not look as good on a dark background.
It did not look as . . . fresh,
so I had to show light against a white background.